5 Habits For Good Eye Health

Health & Medical Blog

Eye diseases, like cataracts and macular degeneration, are more common than you think and can lead to permanent blindness. Even if no one in your family has had one of these diseases, you still need to take extra care of your eyes. Here are five good habits for eye health: Exercising Regularly If you exercise on a regular basis, you will not just keep your body in great shape; you can also improve your eyesight.

9 March 2016

Kickstart Your Weight Loss With Your Doctor's Help

Health & Medical Blog

There are many people who will argue that diets don't work. For some experts, there has to be an emphasis on lifestyle changes in order to make weight loss permanent. Although most will agree there needs to be serious changes in lifestyle to maintain optimal health, dieting done right can be a great catalyst for starting the journey to a permanent change. For many people, opting for a supervised weight-loss program or physician supervised diet is a great way to go.

9 March 2016

How Having A Gastrostomy Can Help With Failure To Thrive

Health & Medical Blog

Failure to thrive is a term that is also commonly referred to as growth failure or poor feeding. This feeding disorder often affects babies and very young children. It is usually diagnosed if they are 20 percent less than the normal weight for their height. Sometimes a procedure called a gastrostomy can help when there is failure to thrive. What is a Gastrostomy? Some children with failure to thrive may have a disorder where it is difficult to swallow or they may have a disability and cannot feed themselves.

9 March 2016

3 Common Pediatric Asthma Myths And The Facts Behind Them

Health & Medical Blog

If your child has recently been diagnosed with asthma, you may have a lot of questions and concerns. Below are three common myths that are associated with asthma and the facts behind them. Myth #1: My Child Will Outgrow Their Asthma As They Get Older Fact: While there are a number of children who will outgrow asthma-related symptoms, such as wheezing, coughing, and shortness of breath, in the majority of cases, it's more likely that a child's asthma will go into remission as they age, but the condition will still be present and may flare at any time.

1 March 2016

5 Commonly Asked Questions About The DOT Medical Exam

Health & Medical Blog

Before earning your CDL, you must pass a physical examination. Although this is common knowledge among those attempting to earn their CDL, there might be a few questions you have about this specific examination. Throughout the course of this brief article, a few of these questions will be answered for you. What Are The Requirements Of The Physical Exam? The best answer to that is go over the FMCSA Medical Examination Report sheet.

22 February 2016

First Aid: 4 Natural Ways To Care For Your Child's Cut

Health & Medical Blog

Your child might suffer a cut for a number of reasons, and you should be prepared for this minor emergency. There are a few things you can do to take care of the cut. The following suggestions should help your child heal correctly, which may prevent scarring. Raw Honey You can use honey to heal your child's wound. Honey has antibacterial properties, like hydrogen peroxide, which will disinfect the wound. Honey should also help the wound heal without scarring.

4 February 2016

Whiplash Signs, Symptoms, And Treatment Facts That You Need To Know

Health & Medical Blog

Auto accidents are scary-- even small ones. If you're lucky, you get through the accident without major injury. But, even if you think you've walked away from the wreck unharmed, signs and symptoms of whiplash could develop over the next 24 hours. Because of this, if you've been in a car accident, it's important that you understand how to spot the signs and symptoms of whiplash, as well as know what to do to get treatment.

17 January 2016