New Technologies In Podiatry: How Your Feet Can Benefit

Health & Medical Blog

When you suffer from chronic foot problems as a result of your daily life, be it from sports, work, or just daily living tasks, you likely find yourself a frequent purveyor of your podiatrist's exam room. As such you have likely become all too familiar with the standard procedures and technologies in your podiatrist's office. You are used to the standard x-rays, manual exams, and the like. However, there are new technologies and procedures being introduced in the medical field on almost a daily basis.

19 January 2015

Top Questions Concerning Involving Family Members in Advance Funeral Planning


Years ago, when a family member died it was common practice to hold the funeral service in their home, say a few words on their behalf, and then bury the person on the family property. All of this was carried out by family members of the deceased. In modern times, it is considered responsible for individuals to make their own funeral arrangements in advance to prevent the family from having to bear the task after death.

15 January 2015

Warning Signs That You May Need To See An Audiologist

Health & Medical Blog

Hearing loss is the third most common health complaint in the United States and this number is only expected to rise as America's population continues to age. While some hearing loss with age is normal, extreme hearing loss or complete deafness is not. Thankfully, there are some steps that can be taken to prevent or reverse hearing loss. The first is to determine if you are suffering from a significant hearing loss.

13 January 2015

Can Botox Be Used For Medical Purposes?

Health & Medical Blog

When most people hear the phrase Botox their mind immediately goes to its cosmetic use of smoothing out wrinkles on a person's forehead. It is specifically targeted towards those with frown lines between the eyebrows and crow's feet around the eyes. It is injected into the muscles and temporarily smooths out the appearance of a person's face. It is most commonly administered by plastic surgeons. However, Botox can be used to help alleviate the symptoms that are associated with a number of different medical conditions.

9 January 2015

Sea Salt: An Excellent Home Remedy For Corns And Calluses

Health & Medical Blog

Corns and calluses appear when a certain portion of the foot is repeatedly exposed to friction or pressure. Calluses are simply thickened portions of skin, while corns are somewhat more severe – they tend to have softer centers and hard, callus-like outsides. Minor corns and calluses don't usually require medical treatment. If you address them early, you can usually stop their development before they become too painful or require surgical removal by a podiatrist.

9 January 2015

Are You Worried About Your Parents' Safety? When It Is Time To Consider Assisted Living


Watching as a parent ages and begins to lose the ability to take care of himself or herself is never easy. You begin to worry that he or she may forget to turn off the stove, or take any necessary medications. If only one parent is still alive, it is common to wonder if he or she is getting out and doing things or just sitting at home, alone all the time.

8 January 2015

Aortic Dissection: Your Chest (Or Gut Pain) Could Be A Critical Health Emergency


If you are having abdominal pain and unusual anxiety, this could be the result of developing an aortic dissection, and you will need emergency medical care immediately. This happens when a tear occurs in the innermost layer of your aorta (the main artery that carries blood from the heart), and then blood rushes in, causing the middle layers to separate. This condition can be fatal if the outside arterial wall ruptures, so if it is detected and treated early, your chances of survival are much greater.

7 January 2015