Cataract Conundrums: Things You Should Know

Health & Medical Blog

When it comes to vision health, one of the things that you should understand is that cataracts are a serious concern. Many people have heard of cataracts, or maybe even know someone who had them, but most people don't fully understand what they are or what it means to deal with them. Here's a look at what your ophthalmologist wants you to understand about cataracts and the trouble that they can cause.

The Basics Of Cataracts

When it comes to dealing with cataracts, the first thing you need to do is understand what they are. Cataracts are a concentration of protein in your eyes that form solid masses. These masses will form milky, yellowed, or discolored areas on your eyes. These areas will interfere with your vision, making it cloudy or blurry. Once they have begun, cataracts will continue to progress over time if left untreated, and they can lead to loss of vision.

The Symptoms Of Cataracts

Recognizing the symptoms of cataracts can help alert you to times when you might need to have your ophthalmologist address the problem. Some of the early indications of cataracts include subtle changes in your vision, such as blurriness or a dull appearance of different colors. You might notice that you struggle with seeing well at night, or you'll see halos around lights. All of these things are indications that you might have cataracts developing.

The Treatment Of Cataracts

If you suspect that you have a problem with developing cataracts, it's important to reach out for eye care right away. The sooner you address problems like these, the easier it is for you to address your vision issues. Your eye doctor may suggest that you wear prescription sunglasses or reading glasses, or you may be referred for cataract surgery.

Cataract surgery is a very common practice, and it's a low-risk surgery. Most people who undergo cataract surgery have minimal discomfort, if any, and are able to resume their regular tasks within a day or so. 

Cataract surgery is usually done as an outpatient procedure with just a local anesthetic. The surgery involves removing the affected eye lens and replacing it with an artificial one for clarity. Some surgical procedures involve using ultrasound waves to break up and disperse cataracts instead. You'll have to talk with your ophthalmologist about the recommended treatment in your situation.

Talk with your eye care professional today for more help and to get the diagnosis and treatment that you need for your cataracts and any other ophthalmology needs.


22 November 2021

hiring a home care service to improve quality of life

If you are currently struggling to care for an elderly, disabled or special needs loved one, you likely have little time to take care of yourself. Did you know that failing to take care of yourself can make things more difficult for the person that you are trying to care for? Hiring a home care service to assist you in the daily care of your loved one will go a long way in improving the quality of life that both you and your loved one experience. I have gathered information that can help you decide on a home care service to help you and your loved one through difficult months or years.