Whether you are getting your first pelvic exam or you have had several pelvic exams in the past, it is natural to be nervous about receiving a pelvic exam. Depending on the purpose of a pelvic exam, they can sometimes be uncomfortable. Additionally, how well you know and trust your current gynecologist can affect how comfortable you feel during an exam. However, there are some basic things you can do to ensure a more comfortable exam.
Know What Your Gynecologist Is Checking For
There are certain conditions that may require your gynecologist to check more deeply and thoroughly. For example, if you experience abnormally painful periods, your gynecologist may want to check for an infection in your Fallopian tubes or cysts on your ovaries. These exams can require more thorough palpitations, which can be uncomfortable and sometimes slightly painful. Similarly, if you are receiving a cervical check during early pregnancy, your gynecologist may probe more deeply than usual.
Knowing this, you can more thoroughly prepare for the examination.
Communicate With Your Gynecologist Throughout the Exam
If you feel discomfort or pain during the examination, let your gynecologist know. Your gynecologist may choose an alternative method, such as a trans-vaginal ultrasound, to obtain the information they need. Not only can they adjust their methods to reduce the pain, but the pain may be an indicator of infection or swelling, which will help your gynecologist diagnose you.
Ask for a Chaperone
It is not uncommon for patients to ask for a female nurse to be present if their gynecologist is a male. However, even if your gynecologist is a female, you may request a chaperone during your pelvic exam. This can be a nurse or can be a friend or family member that you bring with you.
Practice Basic Relaxation Techniques
To help reduce pain and discomfort during a pelvic exam, it is important to remain as calm and relaxed as possible. Deep, steady breathing can help you relax. Additionally, you may try squeezing your leg and pelvic muscles before the exam and then releasing them once the exam starts. The tighter your muscles are, the more discomfort you will experience throughout your examination. Some women prefer having a conversation during their exam while others prefer distancing themselves from the process by thinking about other things.
Unfortunately, pelvic exams are a necessary part of feminine health. While they can be uncomfortable, there are measures you can take to ensure the most pleasant exam possible. Talk to your doctor at a place like Women First OBGYN for more information.
Share26 October 2016
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